EM-360 Refurbished NMR System
Is a refurbished NMR right for your lab? Buy a complete 13C/1H/19F 60 MHz NMR system for $46,900. This price includes free delivery, installation, training and a comprehensive warranty. Remote support costs $1000 per year. Upgrade to multinuclear capability for an additional $7,500.
How do refurbished NMRs compare to new NMRs?
Refurbished NMR instruments from Anasazi Instruments are virtually the same as those of newly built NMRs (see table just below). We rebuild the spectrometers, probes, and update other electronic parts to our exacting standards. That means that you can expect the same resolution, lineshape, and sensitivity of a new system. For details on the test parameters used to generate the specifications below, click on “Eft-60 Performance Specifications” on the Eft-60 NMR spectrometer page.
13C/1H/19F Probe- 0.5 / 3 / 10Hz resolution & lineshape
- 30:1 sensitivity for 1H
- 80:1 sensitivity for 13C
13C/1H/19F Probe- 0.5 / 3 / 10Hz resolution & lineshape
- 30:1 sensitivity for 1H
- 80:1 sensitivity for 13C

Our friends at Centralia College teach high school students to use the EM-360 NMR. Read how they are using NMR in chemical education here.
“It is student friendly and great for teaching labs.” – Laker Nation News
$46,900 for a complete NMR system.
How does the price of a refurbished NMR compare to a newly built NMR?
A refurbished system with a C/H/F probe costs about $35,000 less than a new system of identical configuration. A refurbished system with a wideband probe costs $50,000 less. This represents savings of more than 60%.
What does “refurbished” mean?
Original EM-360 magnets are renowned for their longevity and stability. We reuse these magnets and their original enclosures. We may make slight mechanical adjustments to optimize magnetic field homogeneity. Finally, we repaint the exterior of the magnet enclosure, add our logo, and update the spectrometer with modern electronics.
How long is the warranty and what does it include?
The included warranty lasts for one year from the date of installation. This warranty covers parts and labor for all components of the system under normal use. An extended warranty is available for an additional $2500/yr.
Why is the price so low?
Refurbishing results in significant savings on raw materials, manufacturing costs and human resources. We also want to eliminate our inventory of these NMR systems prior to launching our first benchtop NMR.
Can I have a 1H only or 13C only probe?
Unfortunately, there are only two probe options available with this “promotion” – the C/H/F and multinuclear probes.
Each system includes the following refurbished items: EM-360 magnet, C/H/F probe and EFT NMR spectrometer. A new AS-1 air source, computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer are included in the price. Upgrade to a multinuclear probe for an additional $5000 (see comparison below).
Configuration- 1H spectra and two-dimensional (COSY) spectra
- Solvent Suppression
- Inversion Recovery for Longitudinal Relaxation (T1)
- CPMG for Transverse Relaxation (T2)
- Kinetics and Reaction Monitoring
- Long Term Acquisition for low concentration samples
- Carbon Multiplicity using DEPT and APT experiments
- CH Correlation Spectra using HETCOR
- 1H/19F decoupling of 13C
- 13C decoupling of 1H/19F
- Multinuclear configuration: 6 & 7Li, 11B, 27Al, 31P and more
Configuration- 1H spectra and two-dimensional (COSY) spectra
- Solvent Suppression
- Inversion Recovery for Longitudinal Relaxation (T1)
- CPMG for Transverse Relaxation (T2)
- Kinetics and Reaction Monitoring
- Long Term Acquisition for low concentration samples
- Carbon Multiplicity using DEPT and APT experiments
- CH Correlation Spectra using HETCOR
- 1H/19F decoupling of X nuclei spectra
- X nucleus decoupling of 1H/19F spectra
- Multinuclear configuration: 6 & 7Li, 11B, 27Al, 31P and more