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Ibuprofen 90MHz

Anasazi Instruments 90MHz 1H spectrum with Ibuprofen molecular structure graph

1H NMR spectrum of Ibuprofen, 2M in CDCl3 with TMS, 1 scan with no signal enhancement.

Anasazi Instruments Ibuprofen 13C with molecular structure graph

13C NMR spectrum of Ibuprofen, 2M in CDCl3 with TMS, 12 scans with 1Hz line broadening, total acquisition time 1 minute.

Anasazi Instruments 90MHz Ibuprofen DEPT with structure graph

DEPT spectrum of Ibuprofen, 2M in CDCl3 with TMS, 12 scans per experiment, 1 Hz LB, total experiment time 3 minutes.

Anasazi Instruments 90MHz COSY 45 - 2D spectrum with Ibuprofen molecular structure graph large

1H-{1H} COSY 2D NMR spectrum of Ibuprofen, 2M in CDCl3 with TMS, 1 scan per t1, 256×1024 data matrix total acquisition time < 5 minutes.